Nathaniel Kyle Tecson Ang (Last updated: 27 December 1999)

Born: 31 July 1998, 15:28 @ 52 cm, 3.45 Kg

 First few days:

1-day old picture
about 1 week old pictures: pix1, pix2, pix3, see closer 8)
10-days old : bottle-feed also
Mom and Kyle
Dad and Kyle
Whole family

 3 Months Old

First smiles: pix1, pix2 (1 Nov 98)
Ready to go out? (1 Nov 98)
Kyle with Dad (2 Nov 98)
Kyle with Mom (2 Nov 98)
Kyle, Mark and Mom (3 Nov 98)

About 5 Months Old (X'mas 98)

Happy Faces: pix1, pix2
With Mom
See all: Slide show

7 Months Old
8 Months Old
9-10 Months Old
1 year old
15 Months old

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