Conference Proceedings: Papers Indexed in Databases
All the papers published will be indexed at Crossref with doi assigned by default. Apart from this the publication will be submitted to all the major subject specific indexers for possible inclusion which includes, Elseviers' Scopus, Engineering Village EI, Compdex and ISI Thomson's Web of Science.
Special Issue on : International Journal on Automation Technology
A special issue on the mechatronics will appear in the International Journal of Automation Technology, Vol 5, No. 5 (5 September 2011). Please note that there are page charges for publication in this journal, but all papers in this journal are made available free of charge (with free registration). More details on this journal are available here.
Authors of selected papers presented in AISM 2010 will be invited to submit a revised version (e.g., based on comments during the symposium).
Even if you are not invited but you would like your paper to be considered for this special issue, please feel free to submit your paper.
Formatting instructions are available here. Please submit all papers to Marcelo H Ang Jr (
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