AISM 2010 Plenary Lecture/ Keynote Address
Youngil Youm
UNIST, Korea
Mechanical systems are often very complex and consist of many components interconnected by joints and force elements. These systems are referred to as multibody dynamic systems. The mechanical systems could be classified as closed loop system, open loop system and open & closed(switching) system. The majority of the machine elements, the mechanisms are categorized as the closed loop system where as the manipulator type robots are open loop system. For the closed loop system, the 3 dimensional spatial mechanisms are presented.
The most popular methods of the kinematic analysis are computer aided numerical methods such as iterative matrix method. Away from the numerical solution, an analytical method of The Directional Cosine Matrix Method is introduced. The DCMM produces an exact solution with kinematic equation of the functional relationship between input and output
The multibody dynamics played a key role in the open-loop mechanical system in areas of the robotics and biomechanics where the robotic system is partially constraint and biomechanical system, such as the human motion is intermittently constraint. In bio-mechanical system which is the switching motion in nature, the most of the target system is modeled as floating body systems, which has no fixed body with ground.
In biomechanical area as well as in robotics, the focus of multibody dynamics was put on the redundant nature. The topics are; dynamics of articulated multi-link system, open/closed-loop structure, fixed configuration and invariant topology in system structure, efficient and compact formulation of forward dynamics simulation. Inverse dynamics computation is given much attention, and often flexibility in link is also dealt with.
In this talk, the biomechanic research of the multibody biomechanical models, the human hand, the gait and human motions are presented. And the robot hand and humanoid robot are introduced in conjunction with the biomechanics research done earlier.
Finally, the research activities in various practical robot area conducted at the Pohang Institute of Intelligent Robotics will be introduced.
About the Keynote Speaker
Youngil Youm, born in Seoul Korea, received his B.S degree from Utah State University in 1968. His first and second masters degrees were obtained from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Mechanics in 1971 and 1973 respectively and his Ph.D. in 1976. While he was working on his degrees he was involved in Human Motion Analysis for the sports skills now known as Sports Biomechanics with the Department of Physical Education. With his bioengineering research background, he pursued further experience this time in biomedical research. In 1974 he moved to the University of Iowa, Iowa City to be the engineering director for the Human Upper Extremity Laboratory in the medical school. During this period, he pioneered and specialized in the biomechanics of the human hand.
In 1978, he transferred to the Catholic University of America, Washington D.C. and became a tenured professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. He was a consultant to NIST(former NBS) and served as an adjunct professor at the Department of Orthopedics in the Medical College, University of Maryland and Uniformed University of Health Science. He was a regular lecturer for the course of Biomechanics to the Biophysics Department of Georgetown University.
In 1987 he returned to his home country after 22 years in the U.S. and became the Head of the ME Department of newly established Pohang University of Science and Technology, in which he was one of the founding members. From 1991 through 1996 he served as the Dean of Academic Affairs and then the University’s Vice President. During his period in POSTECH, his research focused on Robotics and Bio-inspired technology.
After serving three years as the program director of BrainKorea21, he established and became the Director of the Pohang Institute of Intelligent Robotics from Oct. 2004 through the end of Feb. 2010. In 1997 he was awarded ‘The Best Alumni Achievement Award’ from his alma mata, the University of Wisconsin. Also, he was awarded National Order of Merit in Science and Technology from the Korean government in 2006. Now he is the Chaired professor at the Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology.
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