
Thanks for taking the time to drop by my website. It must have been easy to find because last I checked, I may be the only soul with such a name.

I specialise in supply chain analytics, strategy deployment and operations management innovation and am part of the team at Cosmiqo International Pte Ltd that drives value and change.

I used to be part of the Global Supply Chain and Logistics team at Dell Singapore and before that part of the Planning and Operations Management Group at the Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology (SIMTech) where I also worked on supply chain analytics, strategy deployment, production strategies and operations management innovation. SIMTech, part of the Science and Engineering Research Council (SERC), is one of the fourteen research institutions under the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR). A*STAR is a statutory board under the Ministry for Trade and Industry of Singapore. A sister organisation to the Singapore Economic Development Board (which provides the business infrastructure), A*STAR functions as the technology infrastructure for sunny Singapore.

Most satisfying to me are the myriad practical challenges arising from the industry projects that I have worked on. I always make it a point to present strategic decisions that are data-driven. So far, I have been quite successful at delivering robust analytical solutions and improving cash flow in companies.

On this site, you will find more information about my past research work, projects with the industry (or at least what I can disclose so I do not violate any NDAs) and cool open source platforms that I have stumbled upon.