Journal/Conference papers Yang, L., Chew, C.-M., Zielinska, T. Poo, A.-N. 2007. A uniform biped gait generator with off-line optimization and online adjustable parameters. Robotica, accepted for publication.
Zhou, W., Chew, C.-M., Hong, G.-S. 2007. Development of a compact double-disc magneto-rheological fluid brake. Robotica, accepted for publication.
Chew, C.-M., Hong, G.-S., Zhou, W. 2006. Series damper actuator system based on MR fluid damper. Robotica, 24(6), 668-710.
Burdet, E., Tee, K.-P., Mareeks, I., Milner, T.E., Chew, C.-M., Franklim, D.W., Osu, R., Kawato, M. 2005. Stability and motor adaptation in human arm movements. Biological Cybernetics, 94(1), 20-32.
Tee, K.-P., Burdet, E., Chew, C.-M., Milner, T.E. 2004. A model of force and impedance in human arm movements. Biological Cybernetics, 90, 368-375.
Chew, C.-M., Pratt, G.A. 2004. Frontal Plane Algorithms for Dynamics Bipedal Walking. Robotica, vol 22, 29-39.
Ho, H.-N., Chew, C.-M., Hong, G.-S., Talasila, S. 2003. Using Genetic Algorithms To Optimize Stance Ankle Behavior for Bipedal Walking. International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 15-18 Dec, 2003, Singapore.
Chew,C.-M.,Hong, G.-S., Wong Y.-S. 2002. Distributed Sequential Control Implementation Using Peer-to-Peer Approach. Journal of The Institution of Engineers, Singapore, Vol 42, No 5, 29-37.
Choong, E., Chew, C.-M., Poo, A.-N., Hong, G.-S. 2003. Mechanical Design of An Anthropomorphic Bipedal Robot. International Conference on Humanoid, Nanotechnology, Information Technology, Communication and Control, Environment, and Management, Mar 2003, Manila, Philippines.
Chew, C.-M., Choong, E., Poo, A.-N., Hong, G.-S. 2003. From Science Fiction to Reality - Humanoid Robots. International Conference on Humanoid, Nanotechnology, Information Technology, Communication and Control, Environment, and Management, Mar 2003, Manila, Philippines.
Chew, C.-M., Pratt, G.A. 2002. Dynamic Bipedal Walking Assisted by Learning. Robotica, vol 20, 477-491.
Pratt, J., Chew, C.-M., Torres, A., Dilworth, P., Pratt, G. 2001. Virtual model control: An intuitive approach for bipedal locomotion. International Journal of Robotics Research, 20: (2), 129-143.
Chew, C.-M., Pratt, G. A. 2001. Adaptation to Load Variations of a Planar Biped: Height Control using Robust Adaptive Control. Robotics and Autonomous Systems , 35(1), 1-22.
Chew, C.-M., Pratt, G.A. 2000. A General Control Architecture for Dynamic Bipedal Walking. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, San Francisco, California, April 2000.
Chew, C.-M., Pratt, J. E., Pratt, G. A. 1999. Blind Walking of a Planar Bipedal Robot on Sloped Terrain. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Detroit, Michigan, May 1999.
Lee, Szer-Ming; Hong, Geok-Soon, Wong, Yoke-San, Chew, Chee-Meng. 1997. Directed Graph Model for Distributed Sequential Control. International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, vol 10 no 5-6, 337-347.