Bipedal Robot (NUSBIP)
is a lif-sized humanoid robot with 20 degrees-of-freedom (DOFs) in total.
It has 6 DOF on each leg and 5 DOF on each arm. It was modelled after the size of a 10-year old child. This robot is built to serve as a test bed for research on bipedal walking.
Robots for Soccer Playing
small sized humanoid robot with 18 degrees-of-freedom is designed
and fabricated. The main task of this robot is to recognize,
approach and hit the ball in to the goal. The aim of this project
is to participate and compete with other humanoids in 2004 RoboCup
and FIRA Robot Soccer competitions.
Update: Our robot is just back from the RoboCup 2004, Portugal. Click
here for the details.
Bipedal Robot
is a small planar bipedal robot. This robot will have 3 DOFs
(hip, knee, ankle) at each leg. The motion of the robot will
be constrained in the sagittal plane. This robot will eventually
be a test-bed to evaluate various bipedal walking algorithms.
walking studies aims to analyze a walking system that only make
use of its natural dynamic mode. The system does not require
energy input and active control and is able to walk down a small
slope with much stability.
Hexapod Robot
project is based on a small, simple, and inexpensive hexapod
robot called Stiquito, powered by muscle wires made from a Nickel-Titanium
alloy (a shape memory alloy). This project will study various
control architectures to generate the walking gait of the robot.
This is implemented in the form of a Central Pattern Generator
(CPG). Genetic algorithm is then used to search for the optimised
gait pattern based on some predetermined performance function.
Legged Systems
purpose of this project is to reconstruct and analysis a self-stabilizing
monopod hopping system as proposed by Robert P. Ringrose (1996).
This system has no active electronic sensors to use for feedback
in its stability control. Instead, there is an inherent dynamic
stability during its movement that prevents the system from
toppling over.
Walking Robot
quadruped robot is being used to study the gaits and control of
four-legged walking. It performs static walking.
Walking Robot
Software Development
develop a simulation software that can be used to model the
dynamics of ulti-body systems, and in particular, walking systems.
Study of Multi-Body Systems
simulate the behaviours of multi-body/walking systems - be it
2-legged, 4-legged or others - under various walking speeds
and ground conditions.