Publication of Xu Huan
Book Chapters
Journal Articles:
- H. Xu, C. Caramanis, S. Mannor, "Statistical Optimization in High Dimensions", Operations Research, forthcoming.
- S. Mannor, O. Mebel, H. Xu, "Robust MDPs with k-Rectangular Uncertainty", Mathematics of Operations Research, forthcoming.
- S. Lim, H. Xu, S. Mannor, "Reinforcement Learning in Robust Markov Decision
Processes", Mathematics of Operations Research, forthcoming.
- Y. Chen, H. Xu, C. Caramanis, S. Sanghavi, "Matrix Completion with Column Manipulation: Near-Optimal Sample-Robustness-Rank Tradeoffs", IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Forthcoming.
- P. Yu, H. Xu, "Distributionally Robust Counterpart in Markov Decision Processes", IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Forthcoming.
- Y. Wang, H. Xu, "Noisy Sparse Subspace Clustering", Journal of Machine Learning Research, Forthcoming.
- G. Liu, H. Xu, J. Tang, Q. Liu. S. Yan, "A Deterministic Analysis for LRR", IEEE Transactioin on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Forthcoming.
- W. Yang, H. Xu " Distributionally Robust Chance Constraints for Non-Linear Uncertainties", Mathematical Programming, Forthcoming.
- J. Feng, X. Yuan, Z. Wang, H. Xu, S. Yan "Auto-grouped Sparse Representation for Visual Analysis", IEEE Transactioin on Image Processing, 23(12), pp5390-5399, 2014.
- N. Ailon, Y. Chen, H. Xu, "Iterative and Active Graph Clustering Using
Trace Norm Minimization Without Cluster Size Constraints", Journal of Machine Learning Research, 16, pp455-490, 2015.
- Y. Chen, S. Sanghavi, H. Xu, "Improved Graph Clustering", IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 60(10), pp6440-6455, 2014.
- Y. Chen, A. Jalali, S. Sanghavi, H. Xu, "Clustering Partially Observed Graphs via Convex Optimization", Journal of Machine Learning Research, 15, pp2213-2238, 2014.
- S. Abeygunawardane, P. Jirutitijaroen, H. Xu, "Adaptive Maintenance Policies for Ageing Devices Using Markov Decision Process", IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 28(3), pp3194-3203, 2013.
- H. Xu, C. Caramanis, S. Mannor, "Outlier-Robust PCA: the High-Dimensional Case", IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 59(1), pp546-572, 2013.
Previously under the title "Principle Component Analysis with Contaminated Data: The High Dimensional Case". Matlab Code
- H. Xu, C. Caramanis, S. Mannor, "Optimization under Probabilstic Envelope Constraints", Operations Research, 60(3), pp682-699, 2012.
- H. Xu, S. Mannor, "Distributionally Robust Markov Decision Processes", Mathematics of Operations Research, 37(2), pp288-300, 2012.
- H. Xu, C. Caramanis, S. Mannor, "A
Distributional Interpretation to Robust Optimization", Mathematics of Operations Research, 37(1), pp95-110, 2012.
- H. Xu, S. Mannor, "Robustness and
Generalization", Machine Learning, 86(3), pp391-423, 2012.
- H. Xu, C. Caramanis, S. Mannor, "Sparse
Algorithms are Not Stable: A No-free-lunch Theorem", IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 34(1), pp187-193, 2012.
- H. Xu, C. Caramanis, S. Sanghavi, "Robust PCA via Outlier Pursuit", IEEE Transactions on
Information Theory, 58(5), pp3047-3064, 2012.
Matlab Code
- H. Xu, C. Caramanis, S. Mannor, " Robust Regression and Lasso", IEEE Transactions on
Information Theory, 56(7), pp3561-3574, 2010.
- H. Xu, C. Caramanis, S. Mannor, "Robustness
and Regularization of Support Vector Machines", Journal
of Machine Learning Research, 10(Aug), pp1485-1510, 2009.
- H. Xu, S. Mannor, "A
Kalman Filter Design Based on the Performance/Robustness Tradeoff", IEEE Transactions on
Automatic Control, 54(5), pp1171-1175, 2009.
- Y. Zhou, A. Tay, Z.Y. Dong, H.H. Ng, H. Xu, "Searching
Oligo sets of Human Chromosome 12 using Evolutionary Strategies", International Journal of Systems Sciencel, 35(13-14), pp787-800, 2004.
Conference Proceedings:
- C. Qu and H. Xu (2015). "Subspace Clustering with Irrelevant Features via Robust Dantzig Selector", in NIPS 2015,
Montreal, 2015.
- W. Yang and H. Xu (2015). "A Unified Framework for Outlier-Robust PCA-like Algorithms", in ICML 2015,
Lille France, 2015.
- W. Yang and H. Xu (2015). "Streaming Sparse Principal Component Analysis", in ICML 2015,
Lille France, 2015.
- W. Yang and H. Xu (2015). "A Divide and Conquer Framework for Distributed Graph Clustering", in ICML 2015,
Lille France, 2015.
- S. Lim, Y. Chen and H. Xu (2015). "A Convex Optimization Framework for Bi-Clustering", in ICML 2015,
Lille France, 2015.
- J. Feng, H. Xu, S. Mannor, and S. Yan (2014). "Robust Logistic Regression and Classification", in NIPS 2014,
Montreal, 2014.
- S. Lim, Y. Chen and H. Xu (2014). "Clustering from Labels and Time-Varying Graphs", in NIPS 2014,
Montreal, 2014.
- C. Zhu, H. Xu, C. Leng and S. Yan (2014). "Convex Optimization Procedure for Clustering: Theoretical Revisit", in NIPS 2014,
Montreal, 2014.
- J. Shen, H. Xu and P. Li (2014). "Online Optimization for Max-Norm Regularization", in NIPS 2014,
Montreal, 2014.
- Y. Chen, S. Lim and H. Xu (2014). "Weighted Graph Clustering with Non-Uniform Uncertainties", in ICML 2014,
Beijing, 2014. Supplementary material
- A. Tamar, S. Mannor and H. Xu (2014). "Scaling Up Robust MDPs using Function Approximation", in ICML 2014,
Beijing, 2014. Supplementary material
- W. Yang, M. Sim and H. Xu (2014). "The Coherent Loss Function for Classification", in ICML 2014,
Beijing, 2014. Supplementary material
- J. Feng, Z. Lin, H. Xu and S. Yan (2014). "Robust Subspace Segmentation with Laplacian Constraint", in CVPR 2014 (Oral).
- D. Vainsencher, S. Mannor and H. Xu (2013). "Learning Multiple Models via Regularized Weighting", in NIPS 2013,
Lake Tahoe, 2013. Supplementary material
- J. Feng, H. Xu, S. Mannor and S. Yan (2013). "Online PCA for Contaminated Data", in NIPS 2013,
Lake Tahoe, 2013. Supplementary material
- S. Lim, H. Xu, and S. Mannor (2013). "Reinforcement Learning in Robust Markov Decision Processes", in NIPS 2013,
Lake Tahoe, 2013. Supplementary material
- J. Feng, H. Xu, and S. Yan (2013). "Online Robust PCA via Stochastic Optimization", in NIPS 2013,
Lake Tahoe, 2013. Supplementary material
- Y. Wang, H. Xu, and C. Leng (2013). "Provable Subspace Clustering: When LRR meets SSC", in NIPS 2013,
Lake Tahoe, 2013. Supplementary material
- W. Yang, and H. Xu (2013). "A Unified Robust Regression Model for Lasso-like Algorithms", in ICML 2013,
Atlanta, 2013. Supplementary material
- N. Ailon, Y. Chen and H. Xu (2013). "Breaking the Small Cluster Barrier of Graph Clustering
", in ICML 2013,
Atlanta, 2013.
- Y. Wang, and H. Xu (2013). "Noisy Sparse Subspace Clustering", in ICML 2013,
Atlanta, 2013. Supplementary material
- Y. Chen, S. Sanghavi, and H. Xu (2012). "Clustering Sparse Graphs", in NIPS 2012,
Lake Tahoe, 2012.
- J. Feng, X. Yuan, Z. Wang, H. Xu, and S. Yan, (2012). "Auto-grouped Sparse Representation for Visual Analysis" , ECCV 2012.
- J. Feng, H. Xu and S. Yan, (2012). "Robust PCA in High-dimension: A Deterministic Approach", ICML 2012, Edinburgh, 2012. Supplementary material
- S. Mannor, O. Mebel and H. Xu, (2012). "Lightning Does Not Strike Twice: Robust MDPs with Coupled Uncertainty", ICML 2012, Edinburgh, 2012. Supplementary material
- Y. Wang, and H. Xu, (2012). "Stability of Matrix Factorization for Collaborative Filtering", ICML 2012, Edinburgh, 2012. Supplementary material
- H. Xu, C. Caramanis and S. Mannor, (2012). "Statistical Optimization in High Dimensions", AISTATS 2012.
Matlab Code
- H. Xu, C. Leng, (2012). "Robust Multi-task Regression with Grossly Corrupted Observations ", AISTATS 2012.
- G. Liu, H. Xu and S. Yan, (2012). "Exact Subspace Segmentation and Outlier Detection by Low-Rank Representation ", AISTATS 2012.
- H. Xu, and S. Mannor, (2011). Probabilistic Goal Markov Decision Processes, IJCAI 2011, Barcelona, 2011.
- Y. Chen, H. Xu, C. Caramanis and S. Sanghavi, (2011). "Robust Matrix Completion with Corrupted Columns", in ICML 2011,
Seattle, 2011.
- A. Jalali, Y. Chen, S. Sanghavi and H. Xu, (2011). "Clustering Partially Observed Graphs via Convex Optimization", in ICML 2011,
Seattle, 2011.
- H. Xu and S. Mannor, (2010). "Distributionally Robust
Markov Decision Processes", in NIPS
2010, Vancouver, 2010.
H. Xu, C. Caramanis and S. Sanghavi, (2010). "Robust PCA via Outlier
Pursuit", in NIPS 2010
Vancouver, 2010.
H. Xu, C. Caramanis and S. Mannor, (2010). "A
Distributional Interpretation to Robust Optimization", in
Forty-Eighth Annual Allerton Conference on Communication,
Control, and Computing (Allerton), Monticello, Illinois, 2010.
H. Xu and S. Mannor, (2010). "Robustness and Generalization", in COLT 2010 Haifa, Israel, 2010.
H. Xu, C. Caramanis and S. Mannor, (2010). "Principal Component Analysis
with Contaminated Data: the High-Dimensional Case", in
COLT 2010, Haifa, Israel,
- H. Xu and S. Mannor, "Parametric
Regret in Uncertain Markov Decision Processes", in 48th IEEE
Conference on Decision and Control (CDC09), Shanghai,
China, 2009.
- H. Xu, C. Caramanis, S. Mannor and S. Yun, "Risk
Sensitive Robust Support Vector Machines",
in 48th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC09),
Shanghai, China, 2009.
- H. Xu, C. Caramanis and S. Mannor, "Robust Regression and Lasso", in
NIPS 08,
Vancouver, 2008.
- H. Xu and S. Mannor, "A
Kalman Filter Design Based on the Performance/Robustness Tradeoff'', in
Proceedings of Forty-Fifth Annual Allerton Conference on Communication,
Control, and Computing (Allerton), pp59-63, Monticello, Illinois,
- H. Xu and S. Mannor, "The
Robustness-Performance Tradeoff in Markov Decision Processes in NIPS 06
pp1537--1544, Vancouver, 2006.
- Y.Y. Joe, H. Xu, Z.Y. Dong, H.H. Ng and A. Tay, "Searching
Oligo Sets of Human Chromosome 12 using Evolutionary Strategies'', in
The 2003 Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), Vol 2, pp1288-1293,
Ph. D. Disertation
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